Embark on a Journey of Compassion

Navigating Grief Together: The MileStone Five Story

MileStone Five (MS5) emerged from the compassionate vision of Dr. Cheryl Chavers, whose professional journey immersed her in the daily lives of individuals grappling with profound losses. Recognizing the ongoing need for support beyond immediate grief, Dr. Chavers conceptualized the app as a digital haven for building communities around those experiencing loss.


The app goes beyond merely addressing the initial shock, extending its reach into the months and years that follow, acknowledging the complexity of grief triggered by various life events.

Learn more about her story and the origins of the MS5 App here.

Discover the

power of

collective empathy.

With the MS5 App, individuals unite to support their loved ones through profound losses of any kind.


We believe in the impact that an unwavering circle of support can have on a person's grief experience.


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MileStone Five acknowledges that loss takes many forms—whether it's losing a job, a partner, facing a diagnosis, or any life-altering change.

Having to part

with a beloved pet

Dealing with terminal illness

The passing of a

loved one

Facing unemployment

The MileStone Five App

Helps to Make a Difference